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puff away中文是什么意思

用"puff away"造句"puff away"怎么读"puff away" in a sentence


  • 吹出气
  • "puff"中文翻译    n. 1.一吹[喷];噗的一吹[喷];一阵,一股(气味、 ...
  • "away"中文翻译    adv. 1.离开。 2.…去,…掉。 3.不在。 4. ...
  • "puff away a cigarette after another" 中文翻译 :    一支接一支地抽烟
  • "puff" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.一吹[喷];噗的一吹[喷];一阵,一股(气味、烟雾等);吹[喷]的声音;(烟等)一喷的分量。 2.噗的一声臌胀起来;臌胀起来的东西[部份]。 3.被子;鸭绒被。 4. 夸奖,吹嘘,自我宣传。 5.粉扑〔又叫 powder-puff〕。 6.(奶油)松饼。 7.〔美俚〕广告。 8.〔美俚〕向女性献殷勤的人。 a puff of the wind 一阵风。 get a good puff of one's book 著作大受称赞。 newspaper puffs 报纸上的浮夸性广告,吹捧性短文[书评等]。 vi. 1.噗噗地喷气,噗噗地喷烟 (out up) 噗噗地喷着气开动;喘气;喘着气走。 2.膨胀,噗地膨起 (up out)。 3.〔古语〕哼的一声用鼻音应酬 (at) (拍卖时)把价钱哄抬上去。 puff and blow 喘气。 puff away at one's cigar 一口口猛喷着雪茄烟。 puff out 喘着气说;(烟)噗噗噗地喷。 The engine puffed out of the station. 火车头噗噗地喷着气驶出车站。 vt. 1.喷(烟等),噗噗地吹去(灰尘等)。 2.〔口语〕使喘气。 3.使噗的一下膨起;使自满,使得意 (up); 乱夸,瞎吹;(拍卖时)把(价钱)哄抬上去。 puff out a candle 吹熄蜡烛。 I was frightfully puffed by the run. 我跑得气都喘不过来了。 be puffed out [ up ] with self-importance 自以为了不起而摆架子。 -ing 1.n. 噗噗吹;夸奖;【拍卖】虚价。 2.adj. 乱夸奖的。
  • "puff-puff" 中文翻译 :    噗噗〔烟等喷出声〕;〔儿语〕火车头。
  • "puff puff pass" 中文翻译 :    傻人有傻福; 仙人跳
  • "away" 中文翻译 :    adv. 1.离开。 2.…去,…掉。 3.不在。 4.不断,继续,…下去。 5.到完,到底,完。 6.立刻。 7.【棒球】退场 (= out)。 8.〔美国〕远。 ★用于其他副词如 back, behind, down, off, up 等之前加强其义;常略作 'way, way. go away去,走开。 run away逃掉。 work away做下去。 put ( or lay) away收拾,放在一边。 fade away 消失,褪色。 away below the average 远在平均以下,远在中等以下。 away (to the) east 远在东方。 turn away掉转身去。 He let the water boil away. 他听任水烧干。 Keep away from the fire. 别靠近火。 give away放弃。 The sounds died away. 声音逐渐消逝了。 A-! 走开! away back 〔美口〕老早以前(away back in February 早在二月里)。 A- with ... ! 扫除掉,赶掉,拿开〔用于无动词的命令句或感叹句〕。 A- with him! 赶他出去! A- with it! 停止!挪开! A- with you! 让开!滚开! be away 不在,缺席;…去了 (She is away (from home) today. 她今天不在(家)。 He is away on journey [for the summer]. 他旅行[避暑]去了)。 cannot away with 〔古语〕不能忍耐[忍受]。 do away with 废除,干掉,杀死。 far and away …得多,最 (far and away the best 好得多)。 far away 很远,在很远地方。 Fire away ! 立刻开火! from away 〔美国〕从远方。 make away with 废除 (He made away with himself 他自杀了)。 once and away 只一次,偶尔,间或。 out and away 远,甚,无比 (out and away the best 远为好;好得多)。 right [straight] away 马上,即刻。 Where away (船上所见物)是在什么方向[哪里]? adj. (运动)在对方场地上比赛的。
  • "away with" 中文翻译 :    把拿走
  • "be away" 中文翻译 :    出发了; 离开
  • "for away" 中文翻译 :    随风而逝
  • "will away" 中文翻译 :    遗嘱
  • "beancurd puff" 中文翻译 :    豆腐泡儿
  • "beef puff" 中文翻译 :    牛肉馅饼
  • "butter puff" 中文翻译 :    奶油酥饼
  • "chicken puff" 中文翻译 :    鸡粒千层酥
  • "chromosomal puff" 中文翻译 :    染色体疏松区,染色体膨突,染色体泡,染色体疏松; 染色体疏通区; 染色体胀泡,染色体疏松
  • "chromosome puff" 中文翻译 :    染色体泡; 染色体胀泡,染色体疏松
  • "cocoa puff" 中文翻译 :    可哥松饼; 可可气古; 可可松饼
  • "continuous puff" 中文翻译 :    连续吸烟
  • "corn puff" 中文翻译 :    玉米松饼
  • "cream puff" 中文翻译 :    奶油饼; 奶油泡夫; 奶油松饼; 懦夫; 泡芙
  • "flare puff" 中文翻译 :    耀斑喷焰
  • "furnace puff" 中文翻译 :    炉膛爆音
  • "give a puff" 中文翻译 :    吹一口气
  • "gluten puff" 中文翻译 :    烤夫


  • The wind puffed away the seeds of the dandelion
  • Mr . weber superiorly puffed away the absurd misgivings of women
  • Puffs away from thence , turning his face to the dew - dropping south .
  • 3 in some countries , you can find smokers puffing away in airports and railway stations
  • My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark : he silently applied the tube to his lips , folded his arms , and puffed away
  • For some minutes it puffed away without speaking , but at last it unfolded its arms , took the hookah out of its mouth again , and said , so you think you re changed , do you
    有好几分钟,他只是喷着烟雾不说话。最后它松开胳膊,把水烟管从嘴里拿出来,说: “你认为你已经变了,是吗? ”
  • The 27 - foot - long silver trailer does not come with any seats , but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart ' s content
  • The 27 - foot - long silver trailer does not come with any seats , but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart ' s content
  • There hes puffing away again , tushin murmured to himself as a cloud of smoke rolled downhill , and was borne off by the wind in a wreath to the left . now , your ballthrow it back . what is it , your honour ? asked a gunner who stood near him , and heard him muttering something
    “瞧,又喷烟了, ”图申轻声地自言自语,这时分,山上已经冒出了一团硝烟,大风把一条带状的烟幡吹到左边去了, “现在请等着射出的小球给他送回去。 ”
  • As i remember , we seldom watched black and white films , instead preferring to be awed by the larger - than - life shaw scope productions , and the sensuous delight , grandeur and glamour didn t puff away with the light , but was carefully taken home to be relived again and again in the lazy afternoons , until the next treat . back in those days , the day southern screen
    印象中很少看黑白片,大概当时大家更喜欢那综艺体彩色阔银幕的bigger than life感觉,看完了把银幕上的千娇百媚花团锦簇金雕玉砌,都一并打包带回家去,在一个又一个悠长的下午慢慢消耗,等待下一次的盛宴。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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